Job Seekers

We can help you with your CV, Cover Letters and Job Applications.

We can help you succeed

We network worldwide. We have an expert market knowledge. We have access to the best, qualified and experienced candidates from various parts of the world that are sure to fit-in your company culture. Our hiring process is accurate, systematic, transparent and well structured. We prioritise values during our entire recruitment process. We regularly communicate with our clients and candidates. Our goal is to find the top candidate you need.

We are not here to compete with other recruiters in the market. We are here to serve the best candidates for your vacancies. Employers can use our services for all or specific vacancies. There is no need to tie-up in any permanent contracts. We are happy to fill the vacancies whenever you want us to. We have a large database of experienced candidates for Engineering and Construction roles.

Connect with us today

We recruit from New Zealand and source candidates from overseas if not available in New Zealand by using a licensed immigration advisor.